Friday 15 May 2009

Homosexual (homosexuelle) by The Parents video

This is a video edited by rubikclockweights on Youtube. I found it funny, and the song rocks.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Freaks - animation

This is a fabulous animation/advert by benwest . He created it for a conference of filmmakers. This is what he says on his website (
"The Australian Directors Guild wanted to promote the 2008 conference with an engaging spot that explored the notion of collaboration. I came up with the idea of filmmakers as freaks ostracized by society growing up and finding each other through the calling of filmmaking. Film makers tend to be pretty precious with fragile egos so the idea stuck. The freak factor, illustrated by different exaggerated features, represents the skills that are peculiar to film craft. The effects for these features involved 3d tracking and photogrammetry that allowed the actors freedom to perform".

I think this video is brilliant. I guess that the idea of creative/talented/unusual people can be seen as freaks too.
And so can all the rest of us.
Great stuff.

Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at aniBoom

Sunday 12 April 2009

Thoughts - animation

Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at aniBoom

I love this stop motion animation. To me, it shows some of the stream of (un)consciousness that goes through the mind at any one time. Thoughts flow with their own logic, that is not necessarily rationality.

I think that the best part of this animation is the part with the pencils, and how they would write messages to the thinker.

Great job! 10/10

Sunday 29 March 2009

Solar - Animation

This animation explains it all!!!

Created by Ian Wharton and Edward Shires, published on Youtube and AniBOOM.

Tuesday 24 March 2009


This is my first post of my new blog. I have been absent
from the cyberspace for a while.

It feels exciting, scary and exposing being out here again; I don't know what I am going to write or publish about nor if there weill be any readers or watchers!

So there, I embrace the uncertainety of this venture, and above all, I want to have fun and enjoy being here.


By the way - I found this video today - all about places I have never been in London!

"London 10 Quirky places"
Video by ChrisCLondon on Youtube